Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fairy Wishes

My latest adventure in fairyland was two days ago, when I was walking in a field and saw a bone. Then I went home and found a fairy, I built a fairy house for her. She said to me "I can grant you any wish you'd like". I said "Would you like some tea?" She said "yes!" Then I got my wish, but I shall not tell you because dreams won't come true if I did.


  1. Hi Ellie,
    love your blog. do you think that If I had a fairy and wished for puppy the fairy would bring him to me. I'm going to try!!!!!
    Love ya, Auntie Paula

  2. I think all wishes come true if you have a sprite for a friend.

  3. Hi Ellie,
    Your blog it's great I love faries too... I especially love to make fairy houses too. I have a hug tub full of nature to make houses with...Caila has a nature/fairy table and both Rick and Caila have said that the fairy visits often.
    Hope your doing well sweetie
    Jenn from co-op
